In order for the procedure of certification of our translations of your documentation to be performed, it is necessary for you to submit the original document to us in order to connect the original with the translation. Only such linked with the red tape translation can be accepted by institutions or persons requesting certified translations.
If, for any reason or due to an existing Kovid 19 pandemic, you are unable to arrive within the specified time or are unable to arrive at all, you may submit your documents for binding by mail or courier service.
The price of postage is 150.00 dinars, for shipments weighing up to 1 kg.
You can find more about the prices of shipments in the country and abroad on the website of the Post of Serbia.
When your translation has more than 10 (ten) translation pages, sending certified documentation to your address in any part of Serbia is free of charge.
Sending the translated documentation without certification is done exclusively by e-mail, unless the client explicitly requests another way.